Notes on Dialectics PDF
apple doesn’t succeed at making their platforms accessible because they care more, they don’t succeed because they are somehow better at programming
Allow me to preface this by saying that React Native sets out to solve problems I don’t think are very interesting to solve. In particular I don’t think that...
If you’ve been paying close attention, it’s been more than a week since my last post. I’ve been making steady progress on publishing the open source componen...
I’m working on a new thing
The Trump win still has me reeling.
I’m not much for telling other people when or how to be mad. This person said this, that person said that, none of it to me. Not my bag.
So let’s say you’re a company that’s seen a little criticism lately.
Everybody has a podcast these days, but way way back, in the before times, me and some of my friends got together and recorded a show that was ostensibly abo...
I think pay equity is a topic worth talking about and today Shanley published a great piece on it:
I think anyone who has done a decent amount of contracting has had a few (or a bunch of) toxic clients.
Freshly back from WWDC I have a lot of thoughts rattling around about my profession and what the point is. Here’s one.
The human side of this is profound Appeal to the fact that they’re probably a decent human being Say I want to use your software I want...
A fairly normal description of my side of most conversations with Rob Rix:
One of my favorite staples of Cocoa is –performSelector:withObject:afterDelay:. It’s a dead simple ‘do this later’ implementation and endlessly useful for sc...
What type of storage does this property use?
ARC is one of most amazing advances in the history of Objective-C; really in the history of compiler technologies in general.
Checks to NSNull come up a lot when dealing with things like parsing JSON and while it’s mostly just ==, there are some options.
NSAssert is actually a macro that calls NSAssertionHandler using the handleFailureInMethod:object:file:lineNumber:description method with self as the argumen...
I think basically any Objective-C developer who has spent some time on the platform has written a half dozen different ways to turn a dictionary into a model...
Here’s a fun little NSObject category that allows you to pop out an object’s declared properties into a dictionary keyed by the property names.